Tuesday, August 05, 2008


It's just after 2 in the morning and I am now soaked to the skin but enjoying a cognac to "celebrate" survival.

Over the weekend we were up in Nürnberg having trials of our own getting the PA to work at the Bardenfest where we played Saturday and Sunday.

I (or 'we' until Sunday night) drove up to Nürnberg on Saturday, played two 2-hour sets till 11 pm... had a 'couple' of pints... staggered back to the hotel, 'slept', got up, had breakfast, went back to our stage and played two 2-hours sets again until 10 pm, drove back to Munich - got up, checked emails etc, went off to the studio to do the arrangements for the last lot of songs for the new CD, went off to play a solo gig, had problems with cables and my guitar, got the lovely TM to bring my reserve guitar down to the club, plugged that in to find the battery was nearly flat, played a set, battery gave up on me, changed the battery, finally got everything working, played, ended up talking to an undergraduate from Texas who invited me to Las Vegas to see the Beatles show "Love" over there, oh, and who videoed the evening and said, "you're gonna be SO famous in the US!!" - had a beer or two and went out to find my bike and cycle home through the desultory rain drops that were apologetically splashing on me from the sky... and then the aforementioned cognac...

But tomorrow...


Anji said...

At least when you are famous in the US your Limo will take you home in the rain...

Neutron said...

I had a double take there. "Limo" in German is lemonade... been here too long!