Amidst the squally showers and blinding winter sun, I thought I had spotted something momentous in the garden (actually, the neighbour's garden). Is it me or are there little pink buds on these branches above the greenhouse?
Surely spring has not yet sprung?
Out of bleary eyes I saw pinkish sort of things from the window and had a look with a little telescope (yeah,
seriously), it's just too squally and cold to go out and have a look.
Anyhow, "squally" is my word of the week. It's pure Radio 4 Shipping Forecast - and you know how I love Radio 4. Hearing words like that restores my faith in the English people's ability to speak their language. This faith has been shaken a couple of times in the last few days by a plethora of "
sikthes" - one of my pet hates - and was almost demolished completely when I heard an interview with the headmaster of a public school talking about quotas for university places and how any system of quotas could be
demotivationising. I wish people wouldn't do that. Given that I listen mostly when I am driving, it could have a highly
destabilisationising effect on my driving and could lead to me
destructionising the car and maybe even
decapitationising any passing
Squally showers, squally showers, squally showers... ah, that's better.