Monday, April 03, 2006

Anyone for Spectroscopy?

Let's see what kind of hits I get with a title like that!

Time goes so quickly when you are doing an elephantine translation about the various inscrutable varieties of spectroscopy: X-ray spectroscopy, atom absorption spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, blaze wavelengths, decade molar coefficients and something fascinating called an Ulbrecht sphere...

The only good thing I can see about spectroscopy is that it's kind of neat to type the word on the keyboard with my 2-finger technique - try's kind of...spectroscopic, man!

It is also, now I come to think about it and try to pronounce it, a brilliant tongue-twister- spectroscopy, spectrocspopy, spectrocsococopy, spectrsossocpopy...

Just as well I'm not doing podcasts yet.


JJ said...

Spectroscopy is everywhere at my work place. I work in a QC lab. We perform HPLC, IR, FTIR, NIR and a few other types of spectroscopy that bore me half to death. Thankfully, packaging is my speciality so no instrumentation for me.

MacDuff said...

When I did the OU Science Foundation course we each constructed a spectroscope out of the carboard centre of a toilet roll, a razor blade, a plastic protractor, a lens a ruler and some cellotape. It worked beautifully.
I found your site while looking to see if anyone else had made the dreadful pun 'Gravitarse' - you and I are the only ones so far.