Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bad Joke No. 632

(... look, I can't help it... in another age people would have hailed me as a genius.)

Person 1: I say old chap, these nuts make me sneeze!

Person 2 (who fortunately asks just the right question): Well, well! Why's that, Neutron me old mate?

Person 1 (...yeah, ok... me): Because they're C-ashoo nuts!

... oh, please yourselves...


Anonymous said...

You were just born too late. Just think of the career you could have had in music hall!

Do you also do the old Goon show thing? 'Put the kettle on' 'No, it won't suit me!'

Am I showing my age, yet?

Anji said...

I think that you are trying to distact us away from the random things... Ca-ashoo indeed!

Neutron said...

Anji, guilty as charged, sorry!

Anonymous said...

In which African city have all the cats got colds?



Neutron said...

Hey, Asprospiti...I will be keeping tabbies on you from now on