It's a busy old life.
I have to go off in a mo for an interview on Bavarian radio (Bayern 1) - they are having a competition to find the best Beatles tribute/cover band in Bavaria and as one of my bands - The BOTTLES - is that very thing we have entered!
The radio station phoned yesterday and said they loved the mp3, could we go in for an interview... so, in a while we will be fighting through the screaming fans in front of the Bayerische Rundfunk Building in downtown Munich - then off for a pint afterwards I think...
I hope it went well for you and that your clothes were ripped from you in passion/left alone (as you would like) by screaming fans.
How many bands have you got?
Twas a laugh - clothes ripped but unfortunately not by fans rather by poverty (cue violins).
Bands? Well, me on me own, a duo, a diddly Irish band and the Bottles
And all your fans have to vote for you too don't they?
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