Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Am An Author!!

I have just come back for a quick break from teaching to find...MY BOOKS!!! They have just been delivered.
It is a very exciting feeling to hold your own book in your hand and leaf through the pages...WOW!

I could get addicted to we just have to sell them - here comes that elusive first million!

Update: brilliant business man that I am, I didn't think about putting a link to where you can order the book!! So, here you are...

either from me:

The Book!




Dana said...


Doris said...

Oh wow! Well done :-)

What a wonderful feeling that must be.

selsine said...

Hey Congrats! I've never been there but I've entered NaNoWriMo so hopefully soon!

Chris Voidis said...

Congratulations Neutron!!! I hope many more are on their way...

BTW, Frankfurt was great, but I didn't sell my novel... maybe next year...