Monday, December 24, 2007

Russian Style Xmas Rush

It looks as though to some extent we will be having a Russian Xmas this year. By this I don't mean some awful pun on 'Russian around at Xmas' - I wouldn't stoop that low, now, would I? No, by 'Russian Xmas' I mean we will probably still be giving presents by January 6th - the Russian Xmas.

This is all due to a cock up on the Amazon front (come on, let's blame them), the fact that I use two different Amazon accounts, a German one and an English one, and the fact that my credit card was renewed in November. This seems to have confused the natives on the Amazon and caused all sorts of delays to the bits and pieces of presents which should already have arrived, been packed and should now be nestling quietly under the Xmas tree.

I haven't yet broken the news to my lot ... I'll have to tell them Santa has a metaphorical flat tyre on his sleigh.

Anyway, I wish both of you out there a very Merry Xmas!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you too - BlogMad hit !

Anji said...

Hope you had a merry one. I'm wishing you a Happy New Year now so I won't be late.

Neutron said...

Hi msdemmie...Happy New Year!

Neutron said...

And hi Anji!

Happy New year to you too!