Thursday, May 29, 2008


I like trees, I like flowers, I like all that other stuff that bursts into growth during the spring.

But I don't like pollen - and pollen most decidedly doesn't like me.

(I have ranted about this before... here )

The air outside is a choking, dusty, tickling mass of pollen floating on little whispy white tendrils.

And dainty though it seems, it is attacking my immune system with a nasty viciousness causing my eyes to become sticky and raw, my chest to wheeze like a broken accordion and my nose to run like an England footballer would have to if we should ever win another trophy.

Hay fever... or as I renamed it in the post I linked to above, APS - Anthropollenic Poisoning Syndrome.

Urrrrrghhhhhhh, bleeuuuuuuuuugh, nuuuurrrrrrggghhhhhh....


A little later...

I have tried to wreak my revenge on the pollen by eating a few dollops of honey - that has something to with pollen doesn't it? - mixed with Greek yoghurt. Wow...!!!

This in turn has opened up the Greece archives in my noddle and started an itchy, tickly feeling there too... the itchy, tickly desire to be somewhere else.

I feel another Hypothetical Holiday coming on...


Anonymous said...

Oh, woe is you! You know, with all my allergies, hay fever is not a particular problem to me, for which I am SO THANKFUL! It seems to be on the increase, generally, though. Other Half is suffering this year for the first time. We know it's that and not just another sinus problem because antihistamines work.

I hope your car has a pollen filter. And I hope you get some relief soon. I know exactly what hay fever is like, despite not being a sufferer, because cats do exactly the same thing to me as pollen does to you. Miserable. I feel for you.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have any allergies (except to work ... makes me itch all over) but I feel so for those who do! TG gets sinus problems all the time. I hope soon you can enjoy the flowers without the allergic misery! I like your blog! Jay told me about it.

Neutron said...

Ahhh..lapping up sympathy - to which I have no allergy (not yet anyway).
Hi allergy also started just like that in erm 1993 I think, previously nowt and then suddenly ka-boom...or ka-sneeze. Don't have a cat allergy, it's more an intense dislike!

Hi Jenny - thanks for visiting. I hope I can help to take your mind off work a bit.

Doris said...

All together now:

"We're all going on a, hypothetical holiday. Going for a week or two..."


Anji said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. we have some trees locally and when it rains the pollen washes off onto the ground just like yellow paint.

Neutron said...

Thanks for the song Doris...

and for the well-wishing Anji...the pollen here was mixed with Sahara sand too, so it was red...weird