Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Arrgghhhh! This PC is driving me CRAZY!!!!

So I treated myself to...

...BEANS!! I made them yesterday and today they are just...wow!!

I put them in that little bowl so I didn't seem to be eating that much but I...erm...refilled the bowl 4 times.

There is just nothing like them...big beans in a tomato sauce...just like I used to eat in my favourite restaurant the Ivi in Ioannina when I lived in Greece..well, nearly...ah, Greece...

Meanwhile back to this *&%$§ PC and it's bloody W2K which will not &%$§* repair itself....

1 comment:

Doris said...

I'm jealous for the pretzel! When we used to visit Germany when my kids were younger they loved having a pretzel as a treat. All to themselves. All big and shiny with great chunks of salt.

I can do beans too :-)

Oh dear... pooter troubles. You have my empathy.