Friday, November 10, 2006

Getting Near to 10ks

...about 30 more visitors and my website will actually reach 10,000 visitors!! So either you lot have to click there or I have to stay up all night clicking...


Anonymous said...

I was 9973, did you fall asleep while you were clicking? Congratulations in advance!

Neutron said...

Ta very much! 20 to go I think...might have to start clicking myself soon.

Anonymous said...

Tried to be number 10k which seems appropriate as we share same name. Counter seems to be stuck on 9987 though. Go out and have a Deutsche Higsons when you get there!



Neutron said...

Hi Phil! Ta for the are right there seems to be something blocking the counter...just my bleedin' luck!
It'll have to be a Deutsches Cains I suppose since the demise of Higgies...

Anonymous said...

Still 9 more to go

Neutron said...

Hi Anji! I hope I have fixed the counter now...there seem to have been loads of hits that weren't counted!! :((