Sunday, November 05, 2006

Happy Birthday, Ma!

Cor blimey, that's my mum with me, back... oh, about twenty years ago, ahem... or is it a hundred?
Look at those socks!

Well, it would have been her birthday today - Guy Fawkes' Day in England, the day when we celebrate the fact that something didn't happen and if you can find a more English celebration than that let me know.

My mum always said there was no excuse for forgetting her birthday it being firework night - so just to prove I haven't forgotten... Happy Birthday! Posted by Picasa


Louisiana said...

Happy Birthday to Ma from here too.

Feliz Cumpleano.
Joyeux Anniversaire!

And what a beautiful pic that is..i love pictures..specially old ones..i love the story they tell and the memories they hold..

and yes, it does look like it was barely about 20 or so yrs..:)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I agree with Chana the pic's are nice,Dr John sent me,He!He!He!Wish you well

Anonymous said...

Weren't you a lovely baby? Happy birthday to your mum too, I've found I'm better at remembering my dad's now he's not around

Neutron said...

Hi Chana and Zingtrial...thanks for coming...and Anji, that sounds must have been a beautiful baby BUT...!