Monday, July 11, 2005

This Is Good...I Think...

I just got this communiqué from the UK Songwriters' Song Contest thing (see "UK Songwriters' Thingy" below)
Now, if the contest really exists - which I still somehow doubt - then it's good news...if it doesn't exist and is just a way, albeit an increasingly highly complicated way, to con me out of 50 euros then it is sort of no news at all...

"Dear UKSC Contestant,

The status of these entries is currently set at "STANDBY".

This means that your entries have already successfully passed through the first two stages in the UK Songwriting Contest and are now with the semi finals selection panels. If you successfully pass through this judging stage your status will be changed to "Selected" and you will receive an email telling you about your exact position in the contest.

On the other hand, if the entries do not pass this panel and do not make it to the next stage of the contest the status of this entry will be changed to "Unselected" and you will receive an email from us telling you about this. We will notify you as soon as we hear back from the judging panels and we hope we have some good news for you soon...."

As I am in need of some good news at the moment I will take it as such...


Saturn said...

One fellow songwriter to another ... good luck! I hope you get selected!

Neutron said...

Thanks...need all the luck I can get...good luck to your band too.