Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Snowed Under in June

No, I haven't fallen in to a Rip van Winkle doze after swallowing the England/Ecuador sleeping tablet on Sunday.

It's just that after weeks or rather months wandering through the one kind of freelancer's nightmare where contracts are cancelled and promised projects fail to materialise, I find myself in the other freelancer nightmare where everything comes at the same time.

So right now I am doing an intensive English course, 3 big very urgent translations and from tomorrow a few consecutive nights of gigging... which means even less time and less sleep than usual.

So the soporific, somnambulistic English performances are quite helpful really... thanks lads.


Anji said...

Good to hear you've got plenty of work. You missed the third nightmare, not getting paid!

Neutron said...

Hey, Anji, you're right I did! Sometimes I think being freelance is just one BIG nightmare...

Doris said...

At least you have the great atmosphere of Germany to work in! (since their win against Argentian)